Just Know You Will Never Know

|On finding your self|

Olivia Jane Crawford
1 min readApr 13, 2022

She knew what she didn’t know,

That knowing never ends

There’s no bottom to who she is or who she’s been

She’s got deep roots but they never stop growing,

Just like her knowing

There’s no finding what isn’t lost,

But trying has its costs

She was never lost —

Just on her way,

To meeting herself day by day

Life’s funny like that —

Always looking forward and back

But never seeing the now,

Where true meaning is found

Living is growing

And growing is knowing,

There’s always more when you keep going

Your self isn’t set

So forget the idea of an ending quest,

Because that’s just death

Lean in to the unknown,

That’s where life grows

In seeking the new you meet your self too

Keep going and who you are will too,

Because there is no pre-set or static you

So set yourself free from the idea of one you and me,

And know that you won’t know,

Who you are as long as you continue to grow

You meet your self with every new experience,

It’s a never ending deliverance



Olivia Jane Crawford

South Carolina | Freelance Writer | Nature Lover, Adventure Seeker, Deep Thinker